Summer is Coming

May 12th 2014

Last week we announced the shiny new remastered version of Crimsonland coming to PS4 and PC (Steam). However, as some of you have pointed out, we didn't yet state the exact date for the release -- simply the unambiguous "Summer 2014". Officially this seems to mean either June, July, or August. Which is fine, as we are 100 percent sure we will launch the game in this window.

But we haven't yet locked down all the features nor crushed all the bugs inherited from the good old Crimsonland codebase. There are lots of unknowns still. For the next few weeks, there will be a new update regarding the progress. New stuff will be revealed. This is something we like to call The Seven Revelations of the New Crimsonland.

The third one will be a tasty one, trust me.

There's more to it though. As we do know some of you are anxiously waiting for this, we decided to do something more.. unorthodox. Hidden on this site, there will always be a link to the next week's Revelation for those who've always wanted to travel in time. And yes, this applies to the this/next week as well. Can you find it?

Anyways. It will be awesome to finally have a new Crimsonland release after all this time. The summer is coming, eh.

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